• Siduv otsus 2/2022, mis käsitleb vaidlust Iirimaa järelevalveasutuse otsuse eelnõu üle seoses äriühinguga Meta Platforms Ireland Limited (Instagram), isikuandmete kaitse üldmääruse artikli 65 lõike 1 punkti a alusel

    28 July 2022

    The EDPB Binding Decision 2/2022 relates to certain processing of children’s personal data by Meta Platforms Ireland Limited in the context of Instagram service, in particular Instagram’s public disclosure of email addresses and/or phone numbers of children using the Instagram business account feature and a public-by-default setting for personal Instagram accounts of children.

    Please find the decision of the IE SA in the EDPB Register for Decisions taken by supervisory authorities and courts on issues handled in the consistency mechanism or directly here