More effective supervision of large EU Information Systems

4 December 2019

The coordinated supervision of data processing through large EU information systems and by European bodies, offices and agencies will be gradually moved to a new committee. The newly established Coordinated Supervision Committee will enhance cooperation among the different supervisory authorities and ensure a more effective supervision.

The Committee was created within the framework of the European Data Protection Board (EDPB) and brings together the EU supervisory authorities (SAs) and the European Data Protection Supervisor (EDPS), as well as the supervisory authorities of the Non-EU Schengen Member States, when foreseen under EU law.

The Committee’s primary role is to ensure the coordinated supervision of the large EU Information Systems and of EU bodies, offices and agencies in accordance with Article 62 of Regulation 2018/1725 or with the EU legal act establishing the large scale IT system or EU body, office or agency. The Committee will cover IT systems, bodies, offices and agencies in the fields of Border, Asylum and Migration (SIS, EES, ETIAS and VIS), Police and Justice Cooperation (SIS, EPPO, Eurojust, ECRIS-TCN) and the Internal Market (IMI).

The Committee’s tasks will include, among others, supporting the supervisory authorities in carrying out audits and inspections, work on the interpretation or application of the relevant EU legal act, studying problems with the exercise of independent supervision or with the exercise of data subject rights, drawing up harmonised proposals for solutions and promoting awareness of data protection rights.

The Committee will meet at least twice a year and participation can take place in different formations, depending on the IT system, body, office or agency for which supervision takes place and the respective EU legal act.

During its first meeting, the Committee elected Giuseppe Busia from the Italian SA as Coordinator and Iris Gnedler from the German Federal SA as Deputy Coordinator for a term of two years, and adopted its Rules of Procedure.

Note to Editors
For further information on the IT systems, bodies, offices and agencies covered by the Committee, please consult the following overview:

Border, asylum and migration:
- SIS - Schengen Information System (Border control cooperation);
- EES - Entry Exit System: registers entry and exit data and refusal of entry data of third-country nationals crossing the external borders of the Schengen States;
- ETIAS - European Travel Information and Authorization System: allows and keeps track of visitors from countries who do not need a visa to enter the Schengen Zone;
- VIS - Visa Information System: VIS connects consulates in non-EU countries and all external border-crossing points of Schengen States.

Police and Justice Cooperation:
- SIS - Schengen Information System (Law enforcement cooperation);
- EPPO - European Public Prosecutor Office;
- Eurojust: judicial cooperation in criminal matters among agencies of the Member States;
- ECRIS-TCN - European Criminal Records Information System on third country nationals: system that allows Member State's authorities to identify which other Member States hold criminal records on the third country nationals or stateless persons being checked.

Internal Market:
IMI - Internal Market Information System: Exchange of information between public authorities involved in the practical implementation of EU law.
