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Scheme owner


Competent SA


Certification as tool for transfers



Any type of processing except:

  • personal data processing operations specifically targeting minors under 16 years old, 
  • processing operations in the context of a joint controllership, 
  • processing operations in the context of article 10 GDPR, except those that are clearly defined and regulated by Luxembourgish or European Laws and for which the CNPD is the competent supervisory authority (e.g. Loi du 1er août 2018 relative à la protection des personnes physiques à l’égard du traitement des données à caractère personnel en matière pénale ainsi qu’en matière de sécurité nationale),
  • processing operations of entities that have not officially designated a DPO* (article 37 GDPR).

Type of criteria

National certification criteria

Applicability of the scheme

controllers and processors established in Luxembourg

List of documents assessed by the EDPB

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