
PDF - Data subject rights forms

PDF - form to report a personal data breach by the controller itself. The form is not suitable for complaints.

PDF - GDPR brochure for SMEs
Boost het bewustzijn van de Belgische KMO’s en de naleving van de AVG, met speciale aandacht voor drie nalevingsthema’s
Boost het bewustzijn van de Belgische KMO’s en de naleving van de AVG, met speciale aandacht voor drie nalevingsthema’s

VIDEO - the Data Protection Impact Assessments (DPIAs)

PDF - Règlement général sur la protection des données (RGPD)

PDF - GDPR brochure for SMEs
Un guide pour préparer les petites et moyennes entreprises (PME) au Règlement général sur la protection des données
Un guide pour préparer les petites et moyennes entreprises (PME) au Règlement général sur la protection des données

PDF - Legal grounds for lawful personal data processing

PDF - Transfers of Personal Data to Third Countries

PDF - Big Data and related profiling, brochure for data controllers

PDF - Big Data and related profiling capability, brochure for individuals

Brochures - 10 Practical Steps in Applying GDPR

Website guide - Personal data and its protection: everything about them and how to keep it (text of an information and explanatory brochure intended for children)

PDF - New elements of data subject rights under GDPR

PDF - Legal bases for data processing

PDF - Legal grounds for lawful personal data processing

PDF - Contemporary threats and challenges to the protection of personal data in the context of trends in the development of artificial intelligence and new technologies for facial recognition

Guidelines and FAQ on the Data Protection Officer, DPO

Docx - The Office of the Commissioner for Personal Data Protection form for lodging a complaint about receiving messages or calls for direct marketing

Docx - The Office of the Commissioner for Personal Data Protection forms for data breach notification

PDFs and xlsx - The Office of the Commissioner for Personal Data Protection guidelines and forms for record of processing activities available in Greek and English

Docx - The Danish Data Protection Authority form contract between data controller and processor

Data Breach notification form - Er du selv dataansvarlig, kan du anmelde brud på persondatasikkerheden til Datatilsynet.

Docx - The Danish Data Protection Authority form contract between data controller and processor

Docx - The Danish Data Protection Authority template for joint data controllers

Docx - The Danish Data Protection Authority templates for meeting the obligation to provide information and the right of access

PDF - List of types of data processing that always requires a DPIA

Privacy compass - Online test: Introduction to personal data, 'Rights of data subjects'

Podcast on GDPR - In each episode, different employees from the Danish Data Protection Agency take on the role of host and talk about a topic that is particularly relevant for small and medium-sized

PDF - Data protection impact assessment’s guidance and form

Website guideline - Interactive template for video surveillance signs

An online tool for SMEs to assess how they meet the requirements of the GDPR

PDF - Approval of BCRs: the different stages infographic

Website guide - What is certification? What products or services can be certified? What are the steps to get a certification mechanism approved?

Website lists - Lists of processing operations for which a DPIA is required or not

PDF - Contract template between data controller and processor.
By LfDI - Baden-Wuerttemberg
By LfDI - Baden-Wuerttemberg

PDF - Contract template between data controller and processor.
By LfDI - Baden-Wuerttemberg
By LfDI - Baden-Wuerttemberg

Checklist of technical and organisational measures.
By LfD - Saxony-Anhalt DPA
By LfD - Saxony-Anhalt DPA

Website guide - Data protection for telecommunications.
By BfDI - Federal German DPA
By BfDI - Federal German DPA

Website guide - Data protection when uploading or embedding videos on websites.
By LfDI - Baden-Württemberg DPA
By LfDI - Baden-Württemberg DPA

PDF - Guidelines on Personal Data Protection.
By LfD - Saxony-Anhalt DPA
By LfD - Saxony-Anhalt DPA

Website guide - Data Protection Impact Assessment.
By BayLDA - Bavaria DPA
By BayLDA - Bavaria DPA

Trainings on data protection issues particularly for SME in our schooling center (Bildungszentrum BIDIB).
By LfDI - Baden-Württemberg DPA
By LfDI - Baden-Württemberg DPA

Website guide - FAQ on cookies and tracking.
By LfDI - Baden-Württemberg DPA
By LfDI - Baden-Württemberg DPA

DOCX - Template consent form.
By LfD - Saxony-Anhalt DPA
By LfD - Saxony-Anhalt DPA

Docx - Processing personal data template form.
By LDA - Brandenburg DPA
By LDA - Brandenburg DPA

PDF - Template for the contract between data controller and processor.
By BayLDA - Bavaria DPA
By BayLDA - Bavaria DPA

PDF - Questionnaire for SMEs on the GDPR.
By LfD - Saxony-Anhalt DPA
By LfD - Saxony-Anhalt DPA

Form to submit data breach notifications.
By LfDI - Baden-Wuerttemberg
By LfDI - Baden-Wuerttemberg

PDF - Common causes of data breaches and countermeasures.
By LfD - Saxony-Anhalt DPA
By LfD - Saxony-Anhalt DPA

PDF - Information on the collection of personal data in accordance with Articles 13, 14 and 21 of the General Data Protection Regulation - implementation aid for the data protection notices.
By LDI - North Rhine-Westphalia DPA
By LDI - North Rhine-Westphalia DPA

Overview of the essential requirements for small companies are compiled as examples.
By BayLDA - Bavaria DPA
By BayLDA - Bavaria DPA

Website guide - Information on data breach reports.
By BfDI - Federal German DPA
By BfDI - Federal German DPA

DOCX - Form on joint responsibility.
By LfDI - Baden-Wuerttemberg DPA
By LfDI - Baden-Wuerttemberg DPA

List of GDPR guidelines.
By the DSK - Datenschutzkonferenz, Conference of the Independent Data Protection Authorities of Germany
By the DSK - Datenschutzkonferenz, Conference of the Independent Data Protection Authorities of Germany

PDF - Template for data protection notices for websites of non-public bodies.
By LDI - North Rhine-Westphalia DPA
By LDI - North Rhine-Westphalia DPA

DOCX - Template for the appointment of data protection officers
By LfD - Saxony-Anhalt DPA
By LfD - Saxony-Anhalt DPA

DOCX - templates for data subject rights, the creation of a list of processing activities or for a contract for order processing.
By BayLDA - Bavaria DPA
By BayLDA - Bavaria DPA

Online form for Data Breach notification.
By BayLDA - Bavaria DPA
By BayLDA - Bavaria DPA

PDF - Information about taking photos and video recording.
By BayLDA - Bavaria DPA
By BayLDA - Bavaria DPA

Guidelines and form on Personal Data Protection.
By LDA - Brandenburg DPA
By LDA - Brandenburg DPA

PDF - handout on data protection issues when taking photos.
By LfDI - Baden-Württemberg DPA
By LfDI - Baden-Württemberg DPA

Sample processing directory according to Article 30 GDPR for those responsible and processors,
LDI - North Rhine-Westphalia DPA
LDI - North Rhine-Westphalia DPA

List of processing operations pursuant to Article 30 of the GDPR.
By LDI - North Rhine-Westphalia DPA
By LDI - North Rhine-Westphalia DPA

DOCX - Template for a joint controllership contract.
By LfDI - Baden-Wuerttemberg DPA
By LfDI - Baden-Wuerttemberg DPA

DOCX - Template for a joint controllership contract.
By LfDI - Baden-Wuerttemberg DPA
By LfDI - Baden-Wuerttemberg DPA

PDF - List of processing activities, Art. 30 GDPR.
By LfDI - Baden-Württemberg DPA
By LfDI - Baden-Württemberg DPA

General overview plus template for video surveillance notice.
By BayLDA - Bavaria DPA
By BayLDA - Bavaria DPA

XLXS - Template for records of processing activities.
By LfDI - Baden-Wuerttemberg
By LfDI - Baden-Wuerttemberg

DOCX - Withdrawal of consent template form.
By BayLDA - Bavaria DPA
By BayLDA - Bavaria DPA

DOCX - Right to object template form.
By BayLDA - Bavaria DPA
By BayLDA - Bavaria DPA

PDF - How does advertising work in accordance with data protection?
By LfD - Saxony-Anhalt DPA
By LfD - Saxony-Anhalt DPA

PDF - How to protect data carriers according to GDPR.
By LfD - Saxony-Anhalt DPA
By LfD - Saxony-Anhalt DPA

Training programme and guidance documentation on data protection by design for the ICT sector developed in collaboration with University of Piraeus and the IT company, ICT Abovo.

Questionnaire - user-friendly Online Toolkit has been developed particularly tailored to the needs of the SMEs, facilitating GDPR compliance with a set of context-aware templates of essential documents.

Questionnaire - user-friendly Online Toolkit has been developed particularly tailored to the needs of the SMEs, facilitating GDPR compliance with a set of context-aware templates of essential documents.

PDF - user-friendly handbook offers guidance and practical suggestions for SMEs and it explains

PDF - STAR Project: digital guidance for DPAs on good practices in running a hotline and raising SME awareness

Online form - Template for the contract between data controller and processor

PDF - Guideline for video surveillance notice.

Word file - DPIA checklist or self-test forms or tools

DOCX - Data Protection Impact Assessment (DPIA) form

DOCX - Template of Application for prior consultation

DOCX - Template of Application for prior consultation

PDF - Form for personal data breach notification

DOCX - Template Record of processing activities for data controllers and processors

DOCX - Form Standard contractual clauses for the data processing agreement

Online training for SMEs based on real and practical examples on GDPR compliance developed by the National Commission for Data Protection of Luxemburg. The training has 4 levels, from basics to design, implementation and governance 2.0.

Docx - Form intended for organizations that want to apply for accreditation from the CNPD for delivering the GDPR-CARPA certification

Data protection certification mechanisms guideline

Website guide, brochure ; dossier thématique

PDF - Guide for businesses, public authorities and associations

PDF - Step-by-step plan: how do I, as an SME, determine whether I may process personal data?

PDF - Handbook for employees: How are data protected in employment?

PDF - "My data, my thing" MY DATA, Manual for personal protection

PDF - Unauthorised access to personal data infographic

DOCX - Template for notification of a personal data breach (Article 33 of the GDPR)

DOCX - Template for application for transfer of personal data to third countries or international organisations

PDF - Data Protection Impact Assessment (DPIA) relevance and recommendations infographic.

PDF - Infographic on personal data transfer to third countries or international organisation in 2 steps

PDF - Guidelines on the transfer of personal data to third countries and international organisations

PDF - Guidelines on the contractual processing of personal data

PDF - Guidelines about personal data protection statement on websites

PDF - Guidelines for impact assessment on personal data protection

PDF - Guideline for the use of GPS tracking devices and the protection of personal data

Website - Website to help small and medium-sized enterprises

Online form for notifying Data Protection Officers (DPO)

PDF - Handbook on personal data protection "You decide about your data"

Website - Guide to the rights of individuals in the field of personal data protection

DOCX - Model records of processing activities for processors (Article 30 of the GDPR)

DOCX - Model records of processing activities for controllers (Article 30 of the GDPR)

DOCX - Model notice to individuals concerning the processing of personal data (Article 13 of the GDPR)

Website guide - Tool to assess the obligation to notify the DPA about a personal data breach

Website guide - Tool to help controllers assess next steps following a data breach and data subjects rights obligation to communicate

PDF - Infographic on resources to help comply with the GDPR

PDF - Guidelines for the preparation of contracts between controllers and processors

Online tool for controllers and processors to assess the need of Data Protection Impact Assessment (DPIA) and risk management on personal data

Webguide site - Tool to supports entrepreneurs and start-ups with data processings

PDF - Guidelines for data controllers on GDPR

PDF - Guidelines on personal data breach management and notification

Web guide - resources and tools to promote compliance with the RGPD, focusing attention on supporting SMEs and entrepreneurs

PDF - Template clauses for data processor contracts

DOCX - Template for data protection impact assessment report (DPIA) for private sector
ARC Project

PDF and DOCX - Templates for requests for information, privacy policy, consent, contract for order processing, joint responsibility agreement and record of processing activities, etc.

Website guide - Overview of all the rights you have under the privacy regulations when information about you is collected and used

Website guide - Information on the data protection officer registration

Checklist for business - You have a business and need to make sure you follow the privacy policy. What do you need to do to preserve the personal data of customers, users, members and your own employees?

mobile app available on Google Play Store and Apple App Store. The GDPR explained for citizens and SMEs, practical knowledge, advice on their rights and obligations under the EU data protection law.

PDF - The new developments in the roles and responsibilities of the data controllers and data processors

PDF - The new challenges in processing special categories of data

PDF - How to use personal data in a legal way in order to boost our marketing activities