Pre-GDPR BCRs overview list
26 January 2021Publication Type:
Decision of the EL SA regarding the approval of the requirements for accreditation of a certification body pursuant to Article 43(3) GDPR
Decision Type
EL SA's accreditation requirements for certification bodies
Opinion / Binding decision References
Decision of the EL SA regarding the approval of the requirements for accreditation of a code of conduct monitoring body pursuant to Article 41 GDPR
Decision Type
EL SA's accreditation requirements for code of conduct monitoring bodies under the GDPR
Opinion / Binding decision References
Decision of the FR SA regarding the approval of the requirements for accreditation of a code of conduct monitoring body pursuant to Article 41 GDPR
Decision Type
FR SA's accreditation requirements for code of conduct monitoring bodies under the GDPR
Opinion / Binding decision References
Decision of the BE SA regarding the approval of the requirements for accreditation of a code of conduct monitoring body pursuant to Article 41 GDPR
Decision Type
BE SA's accreditation requirements for code of conduct monitoring bodies under the GDPR
Opinion / Binding decision References