The EDPB Secretariat is based in Brussels and offers analytical, administrative and logistical support to the EDPB. This includes:
- Preparing, drafting, translating and publishing the EDPB’s opinions, binding decisions and other texts;
- Ensuring communication with the European Institutions and the public;
- Providing IT solutions for the communication among EDPB Members;
- Organising the EDPB’s meetings.
The EDPB Secretariat is composed of a Litigation and International Affairs Sector, a Legal Affairs - Cooperation and Enforcement Sector, an Information and Communications Sector, an Administrative Matters Sector and an IT Matters Sector.
Staff at the Secretariat is employed by the EDPS and work under the instructions of the Chair of the EDPB. The terms of cooperation between the EDPB and the EDPS are established by the Memorandum of Understanding.

Head of the EDPB Secretariat

Gwendal LE GRAND
Deputy Head of Unit
Litigation and International Affairs Sector
Carolina FOGLIA
Legal Affairs - Cooperation and Enforcement Sector
Information and Communications Sector
Effrosyni PANAGOU
Administrative Matters Sector
IT Matters Sector