Bavarian DPA (BayLDA) calls for German company to cease the use of 'Mailchimp' tool
30 March 2021Opinion 10/2021 on the draft decision of the competent supervisory authority of Hungary regarding the approval of the requirements for accreditation of a code of conduct monitoring body pursuant to article 41 GDPR
23 March 2021Opinion 12/2021 on the draft decision of the competent supervisory authority of Portugal regarding the approval of the requirements for accreditation of a certification body pursuant to Article 43.3 (GDPR)
23 March 2021Opinion 13/2021 on the draft decision of the competent supervisory authority of Romania regarding the approval of the requirements for accreditation of a certification body pursuant to Article 43.3 (GDPR)
23 March 2021Opinion 11/2021 on the draft decision of the competent supervisory authority of Norway regarding the approval of the requirements for accreditation of a code of conduct monitoring body pursuant to article 41 GDPR
23 March 2021EDPB-EDPS Joint Opinion 04/2021 on the Proposal for a Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council on a framework for the issuance, verification and acceptance of interoperable certificates on vaccination, testing and recovery
31 March 2021GDPR Cooperation and Enforcement
As part of its strategy, the EDPB supports efficient functioning of the cooperation and consistency mechanism linking all national supervisory authorities, which work together to enforce European data protection law, by streamlining internal processes, combining expertise and promoting enhanced coordination.
Several programmes have been launched to this end:
EDPB Secondment programme
In addition, the EDPB adopted the following document to promote efficient and consistent enforcement of the EU data protection laws: