Rome, 27 January 2021
Probe to be extended to additional social platforms
The Garante (Italian data protection authority) is stepping up its action to protect children using social networks, after the case of the 10-year-old girl from Palermo and the limitation on processing imposed on TikTok. Inquiries were started yesterday into the processing by Facebook and Instagram.
Media reports over the past few days mentioned that the girl had allegedly opened several profiles on both social networks.
The Garante requested Facebook, which owns Instagram, to provide information including how many and which profiles were held by the girl and, if so, how a 10-year-old girl could manage to register with both platforms.
More importantly, specific information was requested on the registration mechanisms in place and the age verification methods applied by both social networks to check compliance with the age threshold for registration.
Replies from Facebook are expected within 15 days.
The probe by the Italian SA will be also extended to other social networks with particular regard to the mechanisms regulating children’s access to the platforms.
For further information, please contact the Italian SA: ufficiostampa@gpdp.it