Call for Experts, the new EDPB Support Pool of Experts

21 February 2022

The European Data Protection Board (EDPB) is looking for experts to cooperate with Supervisory Authorities around the European Economic Area (EEA), on different stages of their investigation and enforcement activities in the field of data protection law.

The EDPB is seeking to establish a Support Pool of Experts with qualified experts in areas such as IT auditing, website security, mobile OS and apps, IoT, cloud-computing, behavioural advertising, anonymization techniques, cryptology, AI, UX design, Fintech, Data science, digital law, etc.

The EDPB Support Pool of Experts is a key strategic initiative of the EDPB, that helps Supervisory Authorities increase their capacity to supervise and enforce the safeguarding of personal data.

The European Data Protection Board (EDPB) is an independent EU body established by the General Data Protection Regulation or GDPR, which contributes to the consistent application of data protection rules throughout the European Economic Area (EEA), and promotes cooperation between the EEA data protection authorities.


Send us your expression of interest and join the EDPB Support Pool of Experts
Learn how to submit your application

On the 22 September 2023 the validity period of the list as been extended by the Corrigendum 2023/S 183-570468.

  • Expiry date of the list resulting from the call for expressions of interest: 10 February 2026
  • Time-limit for the submission of applications: 10 November 2025