Does my organisation have to comply with the GDPR?

Every organisation, regardless of the their size or sector, established in the European Economic Area (EEA) or offering products or services to individuals in the EEA, processing personal data whether or not by automated means needs to comply with the GDPR. Even if the GDPR mainly relates to automated processing of personal data, processing operations carried out manually will also be subject to the GDPR from the moment the paper files are organised in a systematic manner, e.g. ordered alphabetically in a filing cabinet. 

Examples of processing operations include collecting, recording, organising, using, modifying, storing, disclosing, altering and erasing individuals’ personal data.

Nevertheless, the application of the GDPR is modulated according to the nature, context, purposes and risks of the processing operations carried out. For SMEs whose core business is not the processing of personal data, the obligations can be less strict than for a large company.


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