We adopt opinions in the context of legislative consultations requested by the European Commission (EDPB opinions under Art. 70 GDPR or EDPB/EDPS joint opinions under Art. 42 of Regulation 2018/1725).
We also adopt consistency opinions addressed to national Supervisory Authorities (Art.64 GDPR). The national Supervisory Authorities can request EDPB opinions on any matter of general application of the GDPR, or any issue producing effects in more than one Member State. Where a national Supervisory Authority intends to adopt a measure on legal issues having cross-border effects, they must request an EDPB opinion on their draft decision (please see the full list of these measures under Art. 64(1) GDPR, e.g. codes of conduct, standard contractual clauses, ...).
Following our consistency opinions, the national Supervisory Authorities adopt their national decisions. Do not hesitate to visit our Register for Decisions taken by supervisory authorities and courts on issues handled in the consistency mechanism
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